Candale-i Anna az Ulászlóval 1502. szeptember 29-én Székesfehérvárott 翻訳 - Candale-i Anna az Ulászlóval 1502. szeptember 29-én Székesfehérvárott 英語言う方法

Candale-i Anna az Ulászlóval 1502.

Candale-i Anna az Ulászlóval 1502. szeptember 29-én Székesfehérvárott kötött házasságot követően a várakozásoknak megfelelően szinte azonnal teherbe is esett. A velencei követek már 1503. január 5-én értesítették a Velencei Köztársaságot a királyné terhességéről.[1] A kor elvárásai szerint természetesen rögtön fiú örököst vártak.

II. Ulászló első gyermekének a születése előtt, a gyermekvárás közben, 1503 nyarán a leendő nagymama, Habsburg Erzsébet lengyel királyné és magyar királyi hercegnő, Albert magyar király és Luxemburgi Erzsébet kisebbik lánya latin nyelvű levelet intézett fiához, II. Ulászlóhoz, melyben tanácsokkal látja el a leendő szülőket, amit Uhlárik János fordított magyarra és tett közzé (a következő szöveg korabeli, XIX. század végi nyelvi stílussal és helyesírással íródott, így némileg eltér a mai változattól): „Erzsébet, Lengyelország királynéja, az ő kedves fiának, Ulászló magyar és cseh királynak Üdvöt az Úrban. Hallom szeretett fiam, hogy a te feleséged, Anna királyné a legközelebbi napokban gyermeket szülend. Hogy mily nagy örömemre és vigasztalásomra szolgált e hír, már az is bizonyságul szolgálhat előtted, hogy nem tudtam magam visszatartani attól, hogy nehány, a gyermek nevelésére üdvös intelmet ne intézzek hozzád s Annádhoz. Mert mily jótéteményben részesíthetne bennünket a halhatatlan Isten, mely óhajtandóbb s kedvesebb volna előttünk, mintha tégedet fiúgyermekkel áld meg, ki hivatva lesz téged hanyatló korodban a gondoktól megszabadítani, Annát biztos reménynyel eltölteni s az én aggkoromat felvidámítani: s így bennünk a halhatatlanság reményét felébreszteni. [...] Azért semmi sem lephetne meg engem kellemetesebben, mintha neked fiúgyermeked születnék, ki egy részről őseinek hírneve, másrészt saját erényei és kimagasló jó tulajdonai által méltónak bizonyulna két hatalmas országnak kormányzására. [...] Én tehát, amennyire az anya egészségének veszélyeztetése nélkül történhetik, azt akarnám, hogy a gyermeket Anna maga szoptassa; mert ezt tartom én a legjobbnak és legegészségesebbnek. Általános vélemény, hogy a csecsemőre semmi sem hasznosabb, mintha az az anya tejével tápláltatik”[2]

A várva-várt fiú helyett lány született, de így is nagy öröm volt az uralkodópár első gyermekének érkezése, mikor 1503. július 23-án világra jött egy életerős kislány, és a királyné is jó egészségnek örvendett. A legifjabb hercegnőnek a magyar trónöröklési joga ugyan kétséges volt még ebben a pillanatban, de minden remény megvolt arra, hogy a várva-várt fiú is kövesse az új jövevényt. A Navarrai Királyság trónöröklési listáján viszont I. Eleonóra navarrai királynő dédunokájaként a születésekor az édesanyja mögött a 14. helyen állt, és Navarrában legalább a nők is örökölhették a trónt, hiszen ekkor is egy nő, édesanyja elsőfokú unokatestvére, I. (Foix) Katalin uralkodott.[3] Elvi síkon, elméletben a születése pillanatában Annának tehát még minden esélye megvolt arra, hogy a saját jogán Navarra uralkodónője lehessen, még ha édesanyját leszámítva, akinek közvetlen örököse volt, 12 trónjelölt foglalt helyet előtte. Anna V. László 1440-ben Komáromban történt születését követően hosszú idő (63 év) után az első hazai földön világra jött életképes és törvényes házasságból származó királyi sarj. A kislány az ország fővárosában és királyi székhelyén, Budán látta meg a napvilágot.[4] Az országon kívüli, és különösen Prágában lezajlott születés ellen nemcsak pozitív érvek szólnak, nevezetesen, hogy Anna születésének körülményei a velencei források tekintetében szinte napra pontosan vannak dokumentálva, de független érvek is azt támasztják alá, hogy Candale-i Anna nem szülhetett Csehországban, hiszen rövidre szabott életében, bár tervezték, de különféle okok miatt sohasem járt a Cseh Királyságban.[4] A Velencei Köztársaság értékes kelméket küldött Anna születése alkalmából.[5]

Az újszülött hercegnőt 1503. augusztus 15-én[6] a Budavári Nagyboldogasszony-templomban[7] Bakócz Tamás esztergomi érsek keresztelte meg.[8] Dr. Giovanni Badoer velencei követ részletes jelentést küldött a keresztelőről augusztus 17-én.[9] A keresztségben a szülők házasságának létrejöttében jelentékeny szerepet játszó francia királyné, a csecsemő édesanyjának elsőfokú unokatestvére, Bretagne-i Anna tiszteletére az Anna nevet kapta, bár kétségkívül az ekkor 23 napos gyermek anyját is így nevezték. A kis hercegnőnek két keresztanyja: özvegy Szapolyai Istvánné Piast Hedvig tescheni hercegnő, a II. Ulászló királlyá választását támogató Szapolyai István nádor özvegye és Szapolyai János anyja, valamint Cztibor Kunigunda, Szentgyörgyi Péter országbíró és erdélyi vajda felesége, továbbá négy keresztapja: Pietro Isvalies reggiói bíboros-érsek, pápai követ, dr. Giovanni Badoer velencei követ, Újlaki Lőrinc bosnyák királyi herceg, aki Anna édesanyját kísérte a Velencei Köztársaságból Magyarországra és Szatmári György[10] váradi püspök lett.[11] A hercegnő keresztelője alkalmából a királyi udvar szökőkútjából egész nap bor folyt, melyből a budai és pesti polgárok is korlátlanul ihattak, éjszaka örömtüzeket gyújtottak, és az ünnepség egészen hajnalig tartott.[12]

Anna hercegnő dajkája a budai esküdt és bíró,[13] Hans Pemfflinger (más néven Nyírő János)[14] második felesége, Ursula Pemfflinger (leánykori nevén Ursula Schneidpöck)[15] volt.[16]

1505. februárjában Szapolyai János, illetőleg az ő nevében az anyja, Piast Hedvig tescheni hercegnő feleségül kérte a királyi pár leányát, Annát, akinek Tescheni Hedvig az egyik keresztanyja volt, de az udvar a leánykérést elutasította. Anna hercegnő jegyeséül először Perényi Imre volt kiszemelve, akit még 1504. májusában Corvin János ellenében választottak nádorrá, de hamar felhagyott ezzel az ötlettel a király.[17] Ugyanis 1505. július 19-én megindultak a tapogatózások I. Miksával a kétéves Anna hercegnő és a vele egyidős Ferdinánd főherceg házasságáról.

Anna kétéves volt, mikor 1505. augusztus 30-án Krakkóban meghalt az egyetlen nagyszülője, aki megérte a születését, apai nagyanyja, Habsburg Erzsébet özvegy lengyel királyné, valamint magyar és cseh királyi hercegnő, és aki két évvel korábban annyira várta a Jagelló-ház új jövevényét és reménységét, hogy az majd férfi ágon folytatója lesz a dinasztiának, hiszen 1503-ban Erzsébetnek a hat fia közül, pedig mind megérte a felnőttkort, egyik fiának sem született addig törvényes fia, de még törvényes gyermeke sem. Fiú helyett akkor lány született, de a nagymama már nem érhette meg a törvényes fiú születését, aki a következő évben jött a világra Lajos néven. Habsburg Erzsébet mint Habsburg Albert király lánya és Luxemburgi Zsigmond király unokája kötötte a kis Annát a magyar királyi házhoz, aki révén Anna az Árpád-házi királyokig vissza tudta vezetni a származását, hiszen Jagelló Anna leányágon IV. Béla magyar király 10. (generációs) leszármazottja volt.[18]

1505. október 13-án a rákosi végzés értelmében kifejezésre juttatták a rendek azon óhajukat, hogy II. Ulászló fiúörökös nélküli halála esetén többé nem választanak idegen uralkodót, és a leányági öröklést, így Anna hercegnő trónöröklési jogát nem ismerik el. A király ezt kijátszva titokban követséget küldött I. Miksához a családi szerződés megkötése ügyében. 1506. március 20-án a Jagelló- és a Habsburg-ház szerződést kötött a rákosi végzés hatálytalanítására Bécsújhelyen, melynek értelmében I. Miksa unokája, Ferdinánd feleségül veszi Annát, míg II. Ulászló esetleg születendő fia, a későbbi II. Lajos pedig elveszi Ferdinánd húgát, Mária főhercegnőt. A szerződésnek az adott nyomatékot, hogy Anna királyné ekkor nagyjából három hónapos terhes volt. Bár II. Ulászló magyar országgyűlési határozat értelmében 1506. május 7-én hadat üzent Miksának, titokban tovább folytak 1506. május 11-én a tárgyalások Anna hercegnő házasságáról. 1506. júniusában akkor sem szakadtak meg a titkos megbeszélések, mikor Miksa csapatai elfoglalták Sopront és Pozsonyt. Azonban 1506. június 22-én az udvar hivatalosan újra Perényi Imrét nevezte meg Anna hercegnő leendő férjéül, de 1506. július 19-én II. Ulászló megbízottai békeszerződést kötöttek Miksával Bécsújhelyen, miután Perényit újra ejtették.[17]

Anna hercegnő hároméves és háromnapos volt, amikor édesanyja, Candale-i Anna magyar királyné 1506. július 26-án meghalt gyermekágyi lázban, három héttel azután, hogy világra hozta a fiát, Anna öccsét, Lajost. (A következő szöveg korabeli, XX. század eleji nyelvi stílussal és helyesírással íródott, így némileg eltér a mai változattól): Édesanyja halála után az apja, II. Ulászló „minden örömét gyermekeiben: Annában és Lajosban találta. Eljátszott, elsétálgatott velük a várkertben. Bennük volt életének minden reménye. Szépen fejlődtek; a velenczei követek angyalszépségűeknek mondják. Ilyeneknek találta őket Hippolit is, midőn 1513-ban Olaszországból visszatért.”[19]

1507. november 12-én Budán megkötötték a végleges örökösödési szerződést a kettős házasságról, Anna hercegnő és Lajos herceg eljegyzéséről a Habsburg főhercegekkel.[17]

Miután a kis II. Lajost az apjuk magyar királlyá koronáztatta 1508. június 4-én Székesfehérvárott, Anna az öccsével közösen külön udvartartást kapott, melyben a személyzetük édesanyjuk udvartartásának egykori tagjaiból lett összeállítva. Udvartartásuk vezetője Istvánffy István (–1517), jószágkezelőjük Szalkai László,[20] az udvarmesterük az édesanyjuk főajtónállómestere, Gersei Pető János, főkamarásuk Dóczi Ferenc, az apjuk kamarása, főétekfogójuk Vér András, pohárnokmesterük Batthyány Ferenc királyi kamarás, nevelőjük Bornemissza János, első tanítómesterük Girolamo Balbi, majd pedig latintanáruk is Piso Jakab, cseh nyelvmesterük Tandorfi Dietrich (Jetřich z Tandorfu) vyšehradi prépost volt.[21]

A kettős házassági szerződés érvényessége mellett, amely nem szabályozta pontosan, hogy melyik Habsburg lesz Anna hercegnő férje: Ferdinánd, a bátyja, Károly vagy esetleg nagyapjuk, az 1510-től újra özvegy Miksa császár, 1514. m
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ターゲット言語: 英語
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Anna candale in 1502 Ulászlóval. on September 29 I Market as expected, married almost immediately after becoming pregnant. The Venetian envoys already in 1503. on January 5, Queen of the Venetian Republic in her pregnancy. [1] the age of course immediately to the satisfaction of the boy heir.(Ii) before the birth of the first child of Władysław, the perinatal experience during the summer of 1503, the prospective grandmother, Elizabeth, Queen of Poland and Hungarian Princess, King Albert and Queen Elizabeth of Luxembourg, Hungarian lesser of a latin letter to his daughter, II. Ulászlóhoz, which advises the prospective parents that Uhlárik is translated into English and published John reverse (following the end of the 19th century, language and spelling, so slightly different from today's version): "Poland, England, the son of his dear, Hungarian and Czech King Władysław III of the Eternal Lord. I hear my beloved son, that your wife, Queen of the nearest days child szülend. How great örömemre and vigasztalásomra served in this news can provide testimony in front of you, that I could not restrain myself from being nehány, the child rearing salutary principle so at you and not Annádhoz. Because what let us részesíthetne us óhajtandóbb the immortal God, he would have been kinder to us, as if tégedet fiúgyermekkel bless you, you will be called out the hassle saved a declining age, the film is sure to spend and I aggkoromat reménynyel felvidámítani: s so hope to awaken in us the immortality. [...] Because nothing lephetne me kellemetesebben like you fiúgyermeked születnék, who, on the other hand, the reputation of one of its own virtues and good property by means of two huge countries prove worthy. [...] I am so, so far as it happens, without endangering the health of the mother, I'd want to own the child Anna szoptassa; because of this I think I am the best and healthiest. The general opinion is that the baby, nothing is more useful, as the mother's milk tápláltatik "[2]The long-awaited boy instead of a girl, was born, but it is also a great pleasure was the arrival of her first child, when uralkodópár 1503. on July 23 the world came a sturdy little girl, and the Queen also enjoyed good health. The youngest Princess of the Hungarian law of succession was in doubt even though at this moment, but all hope had to make the long-awaited boy can follow the new begin. However, the list of succession of the Kingdom of Navarre, Eleanor of Navarre, Queen dédunokájaként birth mother is behind the 14. location, and at least the women örökölhették Navarra for the throne, because his mother is a woman, Court of first instance's cousin, Catherine i. (Foix). [3] in principle, in theory the birth of About at the moment so even with all the chances we've had to make in his own right, even if the Navarra prepared her mother, whose direct heir was booked before 12 trónjelölt. Anna v. 1440-ben Laszlo Komárom happened a long time after the birth (63 years) after the first home ground was born viable and legal matrimonial Royal Scion. The little girl in the country's capital and Royal seat, was born in Buda. [4], and in particular outside the country which took place in Prague against the birth not only positive arguments, namely, that the circumstances of the birth of Anna Venetian sources are documented in almost the exact day, but also independent arguments that Candale Anna szülhetett in the Czech Republic, as it is not cut short, although his life is designed tailored, but for various reasons never went to the Czech Kingdom. [4] the Republic of Venice on the occasion of the birth of Anna sent valuable fabrics. [5]The newborn Princess 1503. on 15 August the Assumption [6] Church [7] after Tamás Bakócz Tamás of Esztergom Archbishop. [8] Dr. Giovanni Badoer followed by a detailed report sent to the Venetian keresztelőről Aug 17. [9] the making of the baptism of the parents marriage, Queen of France, significant role in the infant's mother in Court of first instance's cousin, Anna of Brittany was named in honor of Anna, although admittedly the 23-day children's mother is also so named. The little Princess to two of the godmother: widow Hedwig of Cieszyn Piast Neros John II. The choice of supporting John Stephen King Władysław Palatine János Zápolya's widow and his mother, Fatima, Cztibor and Peter judge Royal and Transylvanian voivode Sahadev Sahadev's wife and four Isvalies reggiói Godfather: Pietro Cardinal-Archbishop, Papal envoy, Dr. Giovanni Badoer of Venice, His Lawrence Prince, who is a Bosnian mother Anna was accompanied by the Republic of Hungary and Venice [10] Ahmad Safwan Abdul vahab, Bishop. [11] on the occasion of the Princess keresztelője of the Royal Court szökőkútjából throughout the day wine flowed, the Buda and pest, encouraged citizens to unlimited night setting fire to örömtüzeket, and the festivities lasted until dawn. [12]The Princess his nurse Anna sworn and judge, [13] Hans Pemfflinger (also known as Nyírő) [14] second wife, Ursula Pemfflinger (née Ursula Schneidpöck) [15]. [16]in February, John 1505 or on his behalf by his mother, he married Hedwig of Cieszyn Piast asked the Royal couple, the daughter of Anna, who is godmother to one of Teschen was Hedwig, but the Court rejected the leánykérést. Imre Perényi, Anna, Princess of jegyeséül was first slated, whom 1504. nádorrá János Corvin in may selected against, but this idea was quickly abandoned by the King. [17] in fact, 1505. on July 19 I started tapogatózások two years I store and Princess Anna and Ferdinand házasságáról as old as him.Anna was a two-year 1505. He died in Krakow on August 30, the only grandparent who survived birth, her paternal grandmother, Elizabeth widow, Queen of Poland, as well as Hungarian and Czech Royal Princess, who two years earlier and so was waiting for the new jövevényét of the House of Jagiellon and hope that it will be the men's branch successor in 1503, when Elizabeth dinasztiának, as the son of one of the six, and it was worth the one son born in the meantime legitimate son But even legitimate child. Boy instead of you she was born, but the grandmother is no longer live to see the birth of a legitimate son, who the next year in the world of Louis. Elizabeth is the daughter of Albert of Habsburg as King and grandson of King Sigismund Ii the small Hungarian tied the Royal House, who through Anna királyokig of the Árpád dynasty was able to drive back to the origin, as Anne leányágon (IV). Hungarian King Bela 10. (generation) was a descendant of. [18]1505. on 13 October under the rákosi order expressed a desire that the estates II. In the event of the death of Władysław without fiúörökös no longer choose a foreign ruler, and leányági inheritance, so the right of succession is not familiar with Princess Anna. The King sent a secret Embassy this on (I) in the case of conclusion of a contract for the Miksához family. on 20 March 1506 the Jagiellonian-Habsburg and the House contract nullification As rakosi order under which Maximilian I's grandson, Ferdinand married Anna, while (II). Władysław's son, the future may be unborn II. Louis Ferdinand's sister, Mary and főhercegnőt away. The Queen of that torque that Anna was pregnant about three months now. Although II. Hungarian Parliamentary decision of Władysław 1506. on May 7 I declared war on the Emperor Maximilian, took place in 1506 on secret. on May 11 the Princess Anna házasságáról negotiations. in June 1506 even nicked the secret talks, when it was occupied by the troops of Maximilian Sopron and Bratislava. However, 1506. on 22 June, the Court officially Imre Perényi again as Princess Anna, but prospective férjéül 1506. on July 19 I II. Agents have concluded the peace treaty with Władysław Store again after As Perényit. [17]The three-year and three-day Anna was Princess, when his mother, Anna Candale Queen of Hungarian 1506. He died on 26 July was three weeks after birth, that the world was his son, his brother, Was Anna. (The following text at the beginning of 20th century, language and spelling, so slightly different from today's version): after the death of his father, mother, (II). "All the pleasures of Władysław's children: Annában and Lobnaa. The castle grounds, elsétálgatott with them acted. Hope was all his life. Nicely developed; angyalszépségűeknek said the envoys of Ulises Valdez. They were also, such as in 1513 Hippolit from Italy is back. " [19]on november 12, 1507 Buda concluded the final inheritance contract with the double marriage, Princess and Prince Louis főhercegekkel's engagement of the Habsburg monarchy. [17]After the small II. Their father was the Hungarian King koronáztatta 1508. on June 4, the Market jointly with his younger brother received a separate back, in which the former members of their staff was their mother udvartartásának. Udvartartásuk leader Stephen (-1523) Istvánffy established, jószágkezelőjük László Szalkai, [20] the Angel Gabriel in the udvarmesterük project for főajtónállómestere, főkamarásuk, Doczi Ferenc Peto, of their father's Chamberlain, főétekfogójuk Blood pohárnokmesterük András, Ferenc Batthyány Royal Chamberlain, their tutor, first tanítómesterük Bornemissza Girolamo Balbi, latintanáruk and also Tandorfi, Czech nyelvmesterük Piso James Dietrich (Jetřich z Tandorfu) vyšehradi was provost. [21]The double marriage contract governs the validity, which is not exactly that which will be Anna of Habsburg Princess husband: Charles Ferdinand, his older brother, or perhaps the right relish, the widow of Emperor Maximilian 1510-től again, 1514. (m)
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Candale - i Anna Ulászlóval of 29 September 1502 - followed Székesfehérvár I married her en meets the expectations he en fell pregnant almost immediately. The Venetian ambassadors had 5 January 1503 - was notified to the Republic of Venice in the Queen pregnant sense he is l [1] The age preferences, of course, his heir immediately waited.. II. Ulászló first his child was born to her before, while the children wait in the summer of 1503 the prospective her grandmother, Habsburg Elizabeth Polish Queen and the Royal Hungarian princess she is, Albert King of Hungary and Luxembourg Elizabeth younger daughter Latin ű sent a letter to his son, II. Ulászlóhoz, which advise the prospective her parents she are what John Uhlárik reverse to English and published (the next she Text contemporary, late nineteenth-century linguistic style and spelling is written so slightly different from the current version.) "Elizabeth, Poland Queen of her dear son, Vladislav Hungarian and Czech king salvation in the Lord. I hear my son's love to your wife, Queen Anne in the next few days szülend child. To me the joy and served my comfort in this news, it also serves as a testimony to his tted that I could not restrain myself from that some of the child rearing salutary injunction not to take care of you and Annádhoz. Because what grace részesíthetne us the immortal God, which óhajtandóbb's nicer to have it her ahead of us, as if thee sons, bless, who meant to be you in decline when you were a trouble-free you, the sure hope Absorb spend and my aggkoromat felvidámítani: so that in us immortality hope wake. [...] Therefore, nothing should overtake me kellemetesebben as though you male child is born out of a részr his l her sions reputation, on the other hand worthy by their merits and outstanding property would prove good governance of two great countries. [...] I, therefore, as much happen without endangering the health of the mother, I'd want to breast-feed the baby, Anna herself; because I think this is the best and healthiest. General opinion is that the baby she is away nothing is more useful than if the mother's milk of tápláltatik "[2] The long - awaited son instead of a daughter, but it was a great joy to the royal couple first her child's arrival, when 1503 July 23 - He was born on a life she 's a little girl, and the queen is in good health. The youngest princess he has the same right of succession to the Hungarian throne was still in doubt at the moment, but it had every hope that the long - awaited son to follow the newcomer. The Navarre Kingdom throne in the list, however, I, Eleanor of Navarre queen she dédunokájaként at birth after his mother was in 14th place, and Navarra at least an he could succeed k is the throne, since in this case is an n she, her mother first his cousin, I. (Foix) prevailed Catherine. [3] In theory, theory of the birth moment of its thus still had every chance that in his own right Navarre reigned he be je, even if his mother except for who was the direct heir, 12-seat throne marked occupied his tte. László Anna V. 1440 - followed in Komarom of the birth of his en long time he (63 years) after the first his home soil born from legitimate marriage viable and royal scion. The little girl in the country f his city and royal seat of Buda saw the light of day. [4] against birth outside the country, and especially in Prague took place not only positive arguments, namely that the circumstances of Anna's birth in Venice resources are concerned are documented almost exactly but independent arguments also support that Candale - i Anna not have been born in the Czech Republic, as short made ​​in his life, although it was designed, but for various reasons had never been to the Czech Kingdom [4] The Venetian Republic precious fabrics have sent Anna occasion of the birth [.. 5] The newborn princess she was 15, 1503, August - I [6], the Buda Castle Assumption - Church [7] Bakócz Thomas, Archbishop of Esztergom baptized [8] Dr. Giovanni Badoer Venetian ambassador detailed report sent to baptize. He r he l August 17 -. I [9] The baptism of the parents she s marriage was created to play a significant role in the French queen, the baby his mother first his cousin, Brittany - i Anna honor was given on its behalf, although admittedly the then 23 days of their mothers so It was named. The little princess she has two godmother: Dowager Princess of Teschen Szapolyai Istvánné Piast Hedvig her, II. Szapolyai Palatine Stephen King's widow and support the choice Ulászló Szapolyai John's mother and Cztibor Kunigunda, Peter Szentgyörgyi Chief Justice of Transylvania and his wife and four godfather Pietro Isvalies reggiói Cardinal - Archbishop papal legate, dr. Giovanni Badoer Venetian ambassador, Újlaki L he Rincon Bosnian royal prince, who was accompanied by Anna's mother in the Venetian Republic to Hungary and György Szatmári [10] became bishop of Oradea. [11] The prince he shall baptize her je occasion of the royal fountain she fountain all day wine cont which their he Buda and Pest citizens la is freely allowed to drink at night bonfires were lit, and the celebration lasted until dawn. [12] Anna Princess his nurse in the Buda jury and judge, [13] Hans Pemfflinger (also known as Birch her ​​John) [ 14] second wife, Ursula Pemfflinger (maiden name Ursula Schneidpöck) [15] was. [16] 1505th John Szapolyai in February, residence his leg on his behalf of his mother, Princess of Teschen Piast Hedvig his wife requested the royal couple's daughter, Anna, who was one of Teschen Helen's godmother, but the court rejected the girl's request. Anna Princess he jegyeséül out he was slated times Perényi Imre, who 1504. May also elected Palatine against John Corvin, but quickly abandoned this idea the king [17] In fact, 19 1505 July. - I started the Maximilian explorations I of the two-year Anna princess she and her one she and Ferdinand f his prince's marriage. Anna was two years old when 1505 August 30 - On Krakow killed the only grandparents she je, who was worth his birth, paternal grandmother, Habsburg Elizabeth widow Polish queen and Hungarian and Czech royal princess she is, and who two years earlier, so waiting for the Jagiello - house new arrivals and hope of that and then the male line follower will be a dynasty, since 1503 - in Elisabeth's six sons, are all worth the adult he ttkort, None of the legitimate son born while his son, but also the legitimate child of either. Instead he was her boy, but the grandmother did not live to see the birth of a legitimate son, who is the next he was born under the name of Louis the year. Elisabeth von Habsburg Habsburg as King Albert's daughter and granddaughter of King Sigismund of Luxembourg concluded the small Hungarian royal house of Anna, Anna who, through the Árpád - home to kings was able to drive back to the origin as Anna Jagiellonian female line IV. Hungarian King Bela was 10 (Generation) descendants. [18] 1505th October 13 - on the order expressed meadow under the orders of their desire to II. Ulászló without a male heir in case of death no longer elected by a foreign monarch, and the female inheritance, and Princess Anna his throne rights are not recognized. The king sent an embassy secretly circumventing the family I Miksa contract he regarding the conclusion graph. 20 March 1506 - On the Jagiellonian - and the Habsburg - house contract he signed an agreement with the meadow in Wiener Neustadt aside the order under which Maximilian I's grandson, Ferdinand marries Anna and II. Ulászló unborn possibly his son the knife he BBI II. Louis Ferdinand while he takes his sister, Maria f his princess she is. The contract he Desna in that moment that Queen Anne at the time was about three months pregnant. Although II. Hungarians living abroad Ulászló ű under Decision tion 7 May 1506. - I declared war Miksa, conducted in secret on 11 May 1506. - my princess Anna talks his marriage. In June 1506 even they broke the secret meetings, when Maximilian's troops occupied Sopron and Bratislava. However, on 22 June 1506. - I'm officially back yard of Imre Perényi Princess called Anna his prospective her husband, but on July 19 1506. - I II. Ulászló agents Peace Agreement he signed a Maximilian in Wiener Neustadt, after Perényis dropped again [17]. Anna Princess she was three years old and a three-day, when his mother, Candale - Hungarian queen of Anna 26 1506 July - died on puerperal fever, three weeks after his birth He was the son of Anna's brother, Louis. (The following her. Text era of the early twentieth century style, language and spelling in written, so slightly different from the current version): After his father's death his mother, II. Ulászló "every child the joy of Anna Lajos found. He toyed with, elsétálgatott them in the castle garden. He had every hope of life. Nicely developed his DTEK; angel on her Venetian ambassadors beauty ű to say. These may include mention his two Hippolyte is mid his n 1513 -. In Italy is back "[19] 1507th November 12 - I Buda concluded the final contract of inheritance his formation of the two she's getting married, Princess Anna she and Prince Louis eljegyzésér his la Habsburg f his princes [17]. After the small II. Hungarian Lajos their father crowned 1508 June 4 - I Székesfehérvár, together with Anna and his brother received a special court in which the staff of their mothers court of former members have been compiled. Household leads his je Stephen Istvánffy (- 1,517), cattle handling his Juk László mote [20], the udvarmesterük their mother f he will usher master Gersei Pet his John f his chamberlain Dóczi Francis, the father's chamberlain, f he étekfogójuk Blood Andrew, pohárnokmesterük Ferenc Batthyány royal chamberlain, raised his Juk John Bornemisza, first his master Girolamo Balbi, followed by Latin teacher also Piso James, Czech nyelvmesterük Tandorfi Dietrich (Jet ø ich z Tandorfu) vy š was ehradi provost. [21] The two he's matchmaker His addition to graph the validity of which is not regulated exactly which Princess Anna of Habsburg will be her husband Ferdinand, brother, grandfather or maybe Charles, 1510 - t he l again widowed Emperor Maximilian, 1514 m

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
candale) anna, the ulászlóval 1502. on 29 september, concluded in accordance with the székesfehérvárott marriage almost immediately after, as expected, was pregnant. the venetian ambassadors on 1503. on january 5, was informed of the venetian republic, the queen was pregnant. [1] the expectations, of course, right at waiting for son and heir.

). ulászló before the birth of the first child.during the summer of gyermekvárás, 1503 the future grandmother, polish and hungarian habsburg queen, elizabeth, princess royal albert, king of hungary and elisabeth of luxembourg's son and younger daughter languages, latin letter, (ii). ulászlóhoz, which advise the prospective parents, what uhlárik john inverted hungarian and published (in the following text era, the end of the century, the linguistic style and spelling was written, it is slightly different from the version „erzsébet): today, the queen of poland, his dear son, ulászló hungarian and czech king it is a benefit in the lord. i can hear my beloved son, that your wife, the next few days szülend child of queen anne. how big örömemre and vigasztalásomra served in this is known to be in front of you, that i couldn't stop myself from a few of the child to education, we don't care of you, and annádhoz intel. because how jótéteményben részesíthetne us immortal god, which óhajtandóbb and nicer to have before us, like you to bless baby boy, who will be committed to you when you were in trouble in the past.anna and i must spend the reménynyel aggkoromat felvidámítani: the hope of immortality, and so we have to wake him up. [...] it is not a world of experiences kellemetesebben like me, you'll be born fiúgyermeked, who, on the one hand, on the other hand, the ancestors of their own virtues and outstanding reputation, a good deal of property by two huge country governance. [...] so i,as far as the health of the mother, without jeopardising the happened, i'd want it to be the child of anna you breast feed, because i think this is the best and legegészségesebbnek. the general opinion is that the infant, nothing useful, like the milk to the mother "tápláltatik [2]

the waiting girl instead of a boy was born, but it was a great pleasure to the child uralkodópár first arrivalwhen 1503. on 23 july, came into the world with a lively little girl, and the queen, in good health. the youngest princess of the hungarian law was still in doubt trónöröklési come on at the moment, but he had every hope that the boy waiting to follow the new addition. however, the kingdom of navarrai trónöröklési list).eleonora's navarrai was born, the queen mother behind the dédunokájaként 14. place was, at least in navarra, and the women they get it from the throne, since then is a woman, her mother's first cousin, catherine i (reigned foix). [3] in the abstract, so in theory, the moment of your birth to anna before he had every chance to be in its own right, uralkodónője navarra,even if mother except direct heir, who was trónjelölt 12 seats in front of him. anna laszlo v 1440 - komáromban happened in a long time after birth (63 years) after the first home ground was born a viable and legal marriage of royalty. the little girl in the country's capital and headquarters of the royal budán, saw the light of day. [4] outside the country.and, in particular, which took place in prague against the birth not only positive arguments, namely, that the circumstances of the birth of venetian anna almost to the day, there are well documented with regard to the resources, but also an independent arguments show that the candale) anna no ill will for his life in the czech republic, since it was designed for, though.but, for various reasons, had never been to the czech kingdom. [4], the republic of venice, on the occasion of the birth of valuable anna sent me. [5]

the newborn princess 1503. on 15 august, the budavári [6], [7], the assumption church - archbishop thomas bakócz esterg baptized her. [8], dr. giovanni badoer venetian stone sent the christening a detailed report on 17 august.[9] the baptism, the parents of his marriage to a considerable role in becoming queen of france, is the baby's mother's first cousin, from brittany named in honor of anna anna, admittedly, the mother of his child, then that's what they called a 23 day two. the little princess's godmother, widow szapolyai istvánné piast princess hedwig teschen, ii.stephen king's choice to support ulászló szapolyai palatine thurzo's widow and mother of john szapolyai, as well as cztibor kunigunda, szentgyörgyi peter országbíró and transylvanian vajda's wife, and four isvalies reggiói godfather: pietro cardinal archbishop giovanni, papal ambassador, dr. badoer venetian stone, újlaki lawrence as a royal prince,anna's mother, who was accompanied by the venetian republic of hungary and the szatmári váradi bishop george [10] and [11], the princess was christened on the occasion of the royal court szökőkútjából spilled wine all day, from which the budapest budapest citizens and also freely drinking that night, örömtüzeket were set on fire, and the celebration lasted till dawn. [12]

the princess anna's nanny budapest on the jury and judge.hans pemfflinger [13] (also known as john nyírő) [14], the second wife, ursula pemfflinger (maiden name ursula schneidpöck) [15]. [16]

1505. in february szapolyai john, and his mother, on behalf of the piast princess hedwig teschen, he asked her to marry the royal couple's daughter, anna, who was one of the teschen hedwig's godmother, but the proposal was rejected by the court.princess anna jegyeséül, karl was first perényi thousand who before 1504. john was elected in may, against nádorrá corvin, but soon abandoned this idea for the king. [17], in 1505. on 19 july, on the tapogatózások). the two miksával princess anne and her age of archduke ferdinand's marriage to anna.

when she was two years old, 1505.on august 30, the only four grandparents died in krakow, who was the paternal grandmother's birth, queen elizabeth, widow of habsburg, polish, hungarian and czech, as well as royal princess, who two years earlier and he was looking forward so much force - the house and hope that the new jövevényét, will be the man's side folytatója dynasty, since elizabeth had six in 1503. son ofall worth it and survive to adulthood, the legitimate son of one's son wasn't born until then, but still a legitimate child. it is a girl instead of a boy was born, but he did not live to see his grandmother's birth, the legitimate son, who in the following year, he came into the world, also known as louis. elizabeth, daughter of king albert of habsburg as habsburg king sigismund of luxembourg and his grandson was the little anna to the hungarian royal housewho, through the domestic királyokig arpad - anna back to the origin of the force was able to guide the leányágon anna, because hungarian king bela iv 10. (generation) was a descendant of 1505. [18]

. on 13 october, the order of the order of rákosi have expressed a desire to ii. in the event of his death without a male heir ulászló again don't choose a foreign ruler, and the leányági inheritancei don't know trónöröklési of princess anne. the king secretly sent the embassy). miksához family contract case. 1506. on 20 march, the force and the house of habsburg, concluded a contract with the rákosi hatálytalanítására bécsújhelyen order, under which (i) miksa's grandson, ferdinand to marry anna, while (ii) maybe ulászló unborn sonthe future ii. louis ferdinand's sister, mary, and takes, the torque főhercegnőt. the contract gave to queen anne, and then it was three months pregnant. although ii. ulászló hungarian parliamentary decision, 1506. may 7 - i declared war on miksának continued in secret, 1506. on 11 may 2004, the princess anna's marriage negotiations. in june, even were the secret meetings, when miksa troops occupied sopront and bratislava. however, 1506. on 22 june, the court again perényi imrét officially named princess anne, but she soon, 1506. on 19 july, ii. ulászló concluded a peace treaty miksával bécsújhelyen agents were dropped after perényit again. [17],

, princess anne was three years and three days.when anna's mother, queen of hungary candale 1506. maternal fever, he died on the 26th of july, three weeks after that gave birth to our son, anna's brother, louis. (in the following period, xx. at the beginning of the century, the linguistic style and spelling was written, it is slightly different from the version): today, after his mother's death, her father, (ii). ulászló 'all of his children: annában and lajosban cinema, the várkertben elsétálgatott with them. all of them had a life of hope. the velenczei evolved very much; i'd say angyalszépségűeknek found them hippolit. in 1513, when he returned from italy. "[19]

1507. on 12 november, budán signed the final contract of succession, the dual marriage.princess anne and prince louis of the habsburg főhercegekkel. [17]

after the little ii. the father of hungarian king louis koronáztatta 1508. on 4 june, the székesfehérvárott, anna's brother, together with separate udvartartást received, in which the former constituency of their mother was assembled. udvartartásuk (–1517), leader of istvánffy stephenjószágkezelőjük szalkai laszlo, [20], the mother of the udvarmesterük főajtónállómestere, gersei pető főkamarásuk dóczi francis, john, the father's chamberlain, főétekfogójuk blood pohárnokmesterük batthyány andras, francis, lord chamberlain, nevelőjük bornemissza first tanítómesterük girolamo balbi, john, and james latintanáruk piso, too,czech nyelvmesterük tandorfi dietrich (jetřich z tandorfu) was vyšehradi prépost. [21]

, the dual marriage contract validity, which is not exactly what was to be her husband, ferdinand von habsburg, princess anne, his elder brother, charles, or grandfather, 1510, again from miksa emperor's widow, 1514. m
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