The SJE's publications activities
categories as UJS Sumarizácia publikačnej činnosti podľa kategórií ČINNOSŤ
PUBLIKAČNÁ staff and teams for science and research, as well as their commitment and researchers from the scientific
consistent evaluation and results of the work to an appropriate motivation.
THE field play an essential role in the publication activity,Four classes from the department listing:
(1), a class - Scientific monograph könyvkiadvány
A2 class - Other könyvkiadvány
class B - Karentált publications on scientific journals,
copyright documents, patents and feltalálások
class C - Other recenzált publications
N in class A - Registered databases through 2013 scientific work
(from) .
According to the criteria that are carried out by the SJE directory on the staff (teachers and doctorates) publication
kategorizációját activities of and register. Continuously collects and archive the
published and accessible documents and citációkat. The University has been established for the last academy
aggregate period publications list in the following table: