Igen érdekes dolog derült ki a Leicester Egyetem egyik muzeológus hallgatójáról, és a tény, hogy ezt egy titkos sajtótájékoztatón jelentették be, már előrevetíti, hogy nem akárkiről van szó.
A fiatal japán egyetemista, aki egy éven át szerényen éldegélt az egyetem többi hallgatója között, kollégiumban lakott, előadásokra és gyakorlatokra járt, nem más, mint a japán császár, Akihito elsőszülött unokája.
Mako Akisino hercegnő Japánban nagyjából olyan népszerű, mint Nagy-Britanniában Katalin hercegné, talán pont ezért döntött úgy, hogy mesterdiplomáját inkább inkognitóban, egy másik országban szerzi. A dolog működött, hiszen a Leicester Egyetem többi hallgatójának fogalma sem volt róla, hogy a japán királyi család prominens tagjával együtt koptatják a padokat.
A japán hallgatók természetesen felismerték imádott uralkodójuk unokáját, de tiszteletben tartották, hogy nem akarja felfedni magát.
Most, hogy megszerezte diplomáját, a japán udvar úgy döntött, ideje leleplezni a 23 éves Akisinót.
Nézegessen majdnem életszerű képeket az egyetemista hercegnőről:
The most interesting thing was the curator of the University of Leicester is one of the hallgatójáról, and the fact that this is a secret press conference, it was announced already foresees that it is not akárkiről.Young Japan student who a year-a student of the University, other modestly éldegélt, College, he attended lectures and exercises, is none other than the Emperor of Japan, Akihito, firstborn grandchild.Mako Akisino Princess in Japan is roughly as popular as Catherine, Princess of Great Britain, perhaps the reason why he chose to mesterdiplomáját more incognito, in a different country. The thing is, since the rest of the students of the University of Leicester he had no idea that the prominent members of Japan's Royal family, the koptatják, along with benches. The students, of course, Japan recognized his beloved granddaughter uralkodójuk, but observed that it does not want to reveal himself.Now, having acquired a degree in Japan, the Court has decided it is time to unmask the 23-year-old Akisinót.Browse almost lifelike images, Princess of the student:

A very interesting thing revealed a curator at Leicester University student of, and the fact that this is a secret press conference was announced already anticipates that whoever is not the case.
The young Japanese student who lived modestly for a year to the other student at the university, residential college lectures and exercises meant nothing more than the Emperor of Japan, Akihito first-born grandchild.
Mako Akisino princess in Japan about as popular as Duchess of Britain, Catherine, maybe that's why he decided to master's degree rather incognito, another country will score . The thing worked, as other students of the Leicester University had no idea that the Japanese royal family of attrition with prominent members of the benches.
The Japanese students certainly recognized the beloved monarch's grandson, but was respected not want to reveal himself.
Now that it has acquired master's degree, a Japanese court decided it was time to expose the 23-year-old Akisinót.
Look over almost life-like images of Princess college:

very interesting thing came out of the university of leicester is one of the muzeológus listener, and the fact that a press conference, announced the secret, i anticipate that i had an ulterior motive.
the young japanese student who lived for over a year with the other students in university, lived at school lectures and practices, was none other than the the emperor of japan.akihito eldest granddaughter, princess mako akisino.
in japan about as popular as in great britain, princess catherine, maybe that's why he decided to mesterdiplomáját rather incognito, in another country, he gets. it worked, since the other student at university of leicester, you had no idea that he was a prominent member of the japanese royal family together with the benches being groomed.
of course, the japanese students were recognized and respected ruler's grandson, but that he doesn't want to reveal himself. - now that's diploma, the japanese court, he decided that it was time to expose the 23 year old akisinót.
i look almost lifelike pictures of the princess: college